Have To Übungen 7. Klasse PDF


Have To Übungen 7. Klasse
  • Mit Lösungen
  • Bewertung: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 · 8219 Stimmen
  • Dateity PDF
  • Größe 37 KB
  • Have To
  • Englisch
  • Klasse 7
  • Besucher 3152


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  • Have To
  • Sprache Deutsch
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  • Englisch
  • Klasse 7

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Lösungen PDF – Englisch – Klasse 7 – Have To

ÖFFNEN Arbeitsblätter

Form questions with have to and answer them.

a) you / work / tomorrow

b) he / play / chess / tonight

c) we / meet / the boss / at 4 p.m.

d) they / not / come / tonight

e) I / not / do / my homework

f) you / not / be / late / tomorrow

g) she / not / drink / coffee / in the evening

h) it / not / rain / tomorrow

i) we / not / have / a test / next week

j) they / not / watch / TV / at the moment

– Übung . :

Form sentences with have to and the verbs in brackets.

a) (I / work) tomorrow.

b) (you / not / come) tonight.

c) (we / meet) the boss at 4 p.m.

d) (they / not / do) their homework.

e) (I / not / be) late for the meeting.

f) (she / not / drink) coffee in the evening.

g) (it / not / rain) tomorrow.

h) (we / not / have) a test next week.

i) (they / not / watch) TV at the moment.