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- Englisch This That These Those
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- Klasse 5
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- Englisch This That These Those
- Klasse 5
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Mit Lösungen PDF – Englisch – Klasse 5 – Englisch This That These Those
Fill in the blanks with ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’, or ‘those’.
1. I don’t like _____ shoes. They’re too big.
2. _____ is my new car. It’s very fast.
3. _____ are my keys. I can’t find them.
4. _____ is a very old house. It’s very dirty.
5. _____ pictures are very nice. I like them.
6. _____ book is very interesting. I’m reading it now.
7. _____ pencils are new. I bought them yesterday.
8. _____ apples are very fresh. I just bought them.
9. _____ orange is very old. It’s not good to eat.
10. _____ tomatoes are very ripe. I’m going to make a salad.
– Übung . :
Choose the correct pronoun.
1. A: Look at _____ new car!
B: Wow, it’s beautiful!
2. A: I don’t like _____ dress. It’s too big.
B: That’s _____ dress. I bought it yesterday.
3. A: _____ are my new pencils. I bought them yesterday.
B: _____ pencils are new. I bought them yesterday.
4. A: _____ book is very interesting. I’m reading it now.
B: _____ is a very old house. It’s very dirty.
5. A: _____ apples are very fresh. I just bought them.
B: _____ orange is very old. It’s not good to eat.
6. A: _____ pictures are very nice. I like them.
B: _____ tomatoes are very ripe. I’m going to make a salad.