Englisch Klasse 9 Australien Übungen PDF


Englisch Klasse 9 Australien Übungen
  • Lösungen
  • Bewertung: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 · 6590 Stimmen
  • PDF Dateityp
  • Größe 31 KB
  • Englisch Australien
  • Geografie
  • Klasse 9
  • Anzahl der Besuche 1832


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  • Geografie
  • Klasse 9
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  • Englisch Australien

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Mit Lösungen PDF – Geografie – Klasse 9 – Englisch Australien

ÖFFNEN Arbeitsblätter

1) Locate Australia on a world map.

2) Outline the main physical features of Australia.

3) Describe the climate of Australia.

4) Explain how the first people, the Aborigines, came to Australia.

5) Give a brief history of European settlement in Australia.

6) Describe the make-up of Australia’s population today.

7) Outline the main economic activities in Australia.

8) Describe the government and political system of Australia.

9) Explain Australia’s role in the Asia-Pacific region.

– Übung . :

1) Locate Australia on a world map.

2) Outline the main physical features of Australia.

3) Describe the climate of Australia.

4) Explain how the first people, the Aborigines, came to Australia.

5) Give a brief history of European settlement in Australia.

6) Describe the make-up of Australia’s population today.

7) Outline the main economic activities in Australia.

8) Describe the government and political system of Australia.

9) Explain Australia’s role in the Asia-Pacific region.