- Contact Clauses
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- Englisch
- Klasse 6
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- Mit Lösungen
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Mit Lösungen PDF – Englisch – Klasse 6 – Contact Clauses
– Übung . :
A relative clause is a clause that is used to modify a noun or pronoun. Relative clauses are often introduced by the words ‚who,‘ ‚that,‘ ‚which,‘ ‚whose,‘ or ‚where.‘ Relative clauses are used to give more information about something without starting another sentence. For example:
The man who is standing next to the car is the owner.
The pronoun ‚who‘ is the subject of the relative clause ‚who is standing next to the car.‘ The relative clause ‚who is standing next to the car‘ modifies the noun ‚man.‘
Here are some more examples of relative clauses:
- The poet whose work I admire is from my hometown.
- The poet whose work I admire is from my hometown.
- The poet whose work I admire writes about love.
- The poet whose work I admire has been published in many magazines.
- The poet whose work I admire gives readings at local bookstores.
Now that you know how to use relative clauses, let’s practice with some exercises. In each sentence below, there is a word or phrase in bold. Identify whether the word or phrase is the subject or object of the relative clause, and then choose the correct verb form.
1. The poet whose work I admire is from my hometown.
2. The poet whose work I admire is from my hometown.
3. The poet whose work I admire writes about love.
4. The poet whose work I admire has been published in many magazines.
5. The poet whose work I admire gives readings at local bookstores.